I am Karry Wolf Anderson mama of 3 incredible souls, wife, friend, licensed massage therapist, doula, educator & connection maker. I am the proud owner & sole creator of The Heart of Touch.

My LOVE for connecting with people, places and things has greatly influenced my work.

Having a doula at my 1st birth sparked the desire to become a doula. In 2009, I had the honor and privilege to learn from one of the most powerful, passionate, real, bad-ass woman I have ever met… Thérèse Huk-Kuhn.
Thérèse the Executive Director of ToLabor (formally know as ALACE back in the day when I was trained) led a group of women in finding our voices, healing our hearts & sharing these knowings with other Mothers-To-Be. Had it not been for my Doula training, understanding of the brith process and background of massage & bodywork my 2nd son would not be here today. My 3rd birth was less traumatic, but included a 9 day NICU stay. Again, my trainings, understanding of human anatomy, physiology & advocacy for self and child shaped my experiences indefinitely. It has been a true honor to have attended a few hundred births and counting since 2009.

“ Compassion is a bridge between the client and the therapist. It can be argued that without compassion, no healing takes place. Not only is compassion a bridge, but it is also the container for the therapeutic relationship.”
Susan Salvo, Massage Therapy Principles and Practice
Discover my Podcast
Part of what I do and who I am is finding ways to connect.
22 years of being a LMT has GIFTED me with seeing/hearing/feeling peoples stories & how events shape lives. I have been “nesting” on this for quite some time & the “birth” of this happened 10/17/2022 lol! If you are interested in sharing a true story, I would be honored to share it here!
The Secrets We Keep ~ true stories that connect, create space and help you to heal and deal….
Click on the links below to listen.

I look forward to connecting heart to heart, face to face…
On the table. In a workshop. At a birth.